Bugs n' Brews
An intro to fly tying (mixed with fishing bs and sippin' suds)
1. Sign up to attend
Sign up for your respective class via the links to the right. Class size is limited so please reserve your spot ASAP. The lessons are built on each other so it's best to regularly attend a specific day/time. Switching classes is not detrimental, however.
2. Show up and have fun
This is a very chill and social gathering of newbies and veterans alike. Please be kind, courteous, and patient with the group and the instructor(s). This is a brand new endeavor so there will most likely be a learning curve for how the classes are run and how the instruction is given. Many will be enjoying libations but please....and obviously... refrain from becoming intoxicated/ belligerent during the gathering.
Fly Fishing 101, 201, 301
101 Track A begins 5/9!
101 Track B begins 5/17!
1. Sign up to attend
Sign up for your respective class via the links to the right. Class size is limited so please reserve your spot ASAP. The lessons are built on each other so it's best to regularly attend a specific class schedule. Choose only the first date of your desired schedule (A, B, etc.), purchase that ticket and attend all classes in that schedule (no need to buy a ticket for every day in that schedule).
2. Show up and have fun
Show up ready to learn! These classes are less social and more instructional, but they will be fun too! Get ready to push yourself a bit but don't get frustrated or compare to others in the class. Learning new things is different for everyone.
No equipment is required for the 101 class... all will be supplied (including a notebook!). Bring a pen and a willingness to learn! Of course if you want to bring a rod or want help acquiring equipment to learn on and use on your own fishing excursions, I'm more than willing to help!